HomeSupplementsFree Yourself from Folate Deficiency Neuropathy: Try 5 Fantastic Foods

Free Yourself from Folate Deficiency Neuropathy: Try 5 Fantastic Foods

Folate deficiency neuropathy can be a nightmare! You might be suffering from symptoms of confusion, difficulty concentrating, or even memory loss. Fortunately, treatment can be as simple as trying out some tasty new foods. Read on to learn which folate-filled foods to eat.

Folate deficiency neuropathy is a condition that disrupts many individuals’ quality of life and leaves them with symptoms such as fatigue and numbness. Those who have folate deficiency neuropathy often struggle with persistent weakness throughout the day, which makes simple tasks more daunting.

However, addressing this condition and finding relief can be as simple as making slight dietary changes. By eating folate-rich foods, anyone can replenish their folate levels and stay energized all day long. Below, you can read about five foods that help treat folate deficiency neuropathy.

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Free Yourself from Folate Deficiency Neuropathy: Try 5 Fantastic Foods is an original (LimitlessMindNews) article.

What is folate deficiency neuropathy?

Folate deficiency neuropathy is a condition that stems from the body not receiving adequate levels of folate. This lack of folate (also known as vitamin B9) could be from either a lack of folate-rich foods in one’s diet or a bodily impairment in folate absorption. As the body receives less vitamin B9, the nerves begin to take damage, leading to symptoms such as tingling sensations in the hands and feet. Issues caused by folate deficiency neuropathy may also include muscle weakness, numbness, difficulty walking, and general fatigue.

Dietary changes or the use of supplements are one of the easiest ways to address these symptoms. Additionally, getting enough other nutrients, such as vitamin B12, can help strengthen your nerves and treat a folate condition.

A lady having pain in her muscles.

Foods to treat folate deficiency neuropathy:


Spinach, a nutrient-dense leafy green, is one of the best foods for dealing with folate deficiency neuropathy. This vegetable is not only rich in folate, but it also comes packed with other vitamins and minerals to support nerve health. Some of these nutrients include:

  • Vitamin E: an antioxidant that protects nerve cells from oxidative stress
  • Vitamin B6: involved in neurotransmitter synthesis and nerve signaling
  • Potassium: maintains electrical conductivity of nerves
  • Calcium: aids in nerve impulse transmission and muscle contraction

When treating folate deficiency neuropathy, spinach is a vegetable that should not be overlooked. Even if you do not have a folate deficiency, regularly consuming spinach can help improve energy levels for more productive days. 

Vitamin E sources.

Foods to treat folate deficiency neuropathy:


Lentils are another folate-rich food that helps form and maintain healthy nerve cells. Not only do lentils contain folate they also come with vitamin B6 which plays an important role in nerve function and synthesizing neurotransmitters.

The nutrients in lentils make them essential in the foundation of any diet aimed at treating folate deficiency. Aside from vitamins, the minerals found within lentils, such as magnesium and zinc, support nerve health and preserve the integrity of nerve cells.

Zinc supplements.

Foods to treat folate deficiency neuropathy:


What separates asparagus from other foods that contain a lot of folate is that it also has antioxidants that help protect the nerves. Within asparagus is the antioxidant glutathione. Glutathione is significant in treating folate deficiency, as it protects nerve cells from oxidative stress and inflammation, which promotes optimal nerve function.

Asparagus is important to any folate-centric diet, as it is a source of complementary vitamins and minerals that support healthy nerve cells. Further, the fiber found within asparagus helps the body absorb nutrients, including folate.

Foods to treat folate deficiency neuropathy:


The healthy fats in avocados can help give the body another source for folate deficiency treatment outside of the regularly used vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables. Avocados contain monounsaturated fats which both support optimal nerve function and reduce inflammation.

Monounsaturated fats support the production of myelin, which surrounds nerve fibers. Myelin acts as an insulator for nerve fibers and allows nerve signals to travel more effectively. The promotion of myelin production leads to optimized nerve conduction. Avocados also contain vitamins K, E, and C which contribute to better nerve health and functioning.

Avocado is good for health.

Foods to treat folate deficiency neuropathy:

Citrus fruits

While citrus fruits are dense with folate, what makes them even better for the treatment of folate deficiency is their ability to foster collagen synthesis and enhanced nutrient absorption. The juice within citrus fruits is also vital to replenishing folate levels, as it can improve the absorption of nutrients. This is especially important when it comes to treating folate deficiency, as the body must quickly absorb the vitamins and minerals necessary to repair any nerve damage.

Foods to treat folate deficiency neuropathy:


While citrus fruits and other foods are great for treating folate deficiency neuropathy, you shouldn’t overlook supplements. Supplements are still demonstrably the most effective way to ensure your body is getting all the vitamins and minerals it needs.  They also contain more focused and consistent dosages to better treat conditions like folate deficiency neuropathy. For example, products like Nuzest’s Good Green Vitality contain 75 active ingredients that can help re-energize the body through replenishing folate levels. All users need to do is add one scoop of Good Green Vitality to their morning routine.

Good Green Vitality contains a range of vitamins, such as B6, B9, and B12, that can help replenish and restore nerve cells. It also contains 150 mg of spinach and the same vitamin C that is found in citrus fruits to improve folate levels.

Nuzest’s founder Trevor Bolland was inspired to start his company when he noticed that the absence of key nutrients culminated in health concerns years later. Bolland states, “To maintain peak physical and mental performance, it is essential that we fuel ourselves with an abundance of the right nutrients.” That generally needs more than just food alone.

Foods to treat folate deficiency neuropathy:

Replenish yourself

Folate deficiency neuropathy can be a cause for serious concern, but it doesn’t need to be. By incorporating a few foods or supplements into your diet you can start replenishing folate levels and restoring the energy you need to stay active throughout your day.

For those currently struggling with folate deficiency neuropathy, consult with a doctor before taking immediate action. However, focusing on the foods we eat can be one of the easiest ways to not only take action against folate deficiency now but also to take preventive measures against any future conditions. 

For additional references:

Medical News Today: What foods are high in folate, and what are the benefits?

National Library of Medicine: The Role of Neurotropic B Vitamins in Nerve Regeneration

Cleveland Clinic: Myelin Sheath

Important Note: The information contained in this article is for general informational purposes only, and should not be construed as health or medical advice, nor is it intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or health condition. Before embarking on any diet, fitness regimen, or program of nutritional supplementation, it is advisable to consult your healthcare professional in order to determine its safety and probable efficacy in terms of your individual state of health.

Regarding Nutritional Supplements Or Other Non-Prescription Health Products: If any nutritional supplements or other non-prescription health products are mentioned in the foregoing article, any claims or statements made about them have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and such nutritional supplements or other health products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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